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Synagoge Groningen

The Holy Land through the eyes of a Dutch photographer, 1921-1923.

As part of MENA is here, Synagogue Groningen is organizing a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Karène Sanchez-Summerer, professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Groningen. Sanchez will talk about the Dutch photographer Franck Scholten (1881-1942), who captured the British Mandate of Palestine in the 1920s. Using Scholten's work, Sanchez shows how photography changed the political, cultural and economic landscape of Mandate Palestine.

Trilingual warning 'Bathing here is very dangerous!' on the beach near Tel Aviv. Photo: Franck Scholten.

Based on photos taken by the Dutch Franck Scholten (1881-1942) in his trip to Palestine (1921-1923), this lecture will show how photography reflects the shifting political, cultural and economic landscape of the early British Mandate period, and experiences of modernity in Palestine. Apart from being prolific, Frank Scholten’s work is incredibly diverse, covering subjects as broad as events, both religious and secular, architectural explorations from villages that no longer exist to major cities like Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem and the fledgling township Tel Aviv, which was but a decade old when he arrived. Perhaps one of the hallmarks of Scholten’s collected works is the thoroughness with which he imaged Palestine. His images of people cut across religious and confessional lines, ethnic backgrounds, class and urban-rural divides. He imaged people at work as well as in their leisure time, but most of all, he imaged people in the context of their daily life, rather than divorced from the landscape.

'Palestine illustrated' revisited. The Holy/ Promised Land at the beginning of the 1920s and historical photography' | Lecture by prof. dr. Karène Sanchez-Summerer

The lecture will be given in English!

Date/time: Tuesday, May 16 - 7:30 PM (Synagogue opens at 7:00 PM)

Entrance: free!

About MENA: Middle East and North Africa

In the ten-day city program MENA is here – with theatre, music, film, stories and food – you are invited to view the art and culture of the Middle East and North Africa in all its beauty. A society with an ancient history and an immensely rich cultural area. MENA is colorful and fascinating, accessible and moving. The region feels far away to some; very close to others. MENA is here is also about the presence of the region in the Netherlands. About cultural elements that were brought here. About living together and living together. About recognition and curiosity. About making connections and building bridges. Different perspectives and worlds come together. MENA is part of our society. It therefore deserves a permanent place on our stages.


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